Tag #45


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Ultimate Guide to Tattoo Numbing Products(Numbing gels, Numbing creams, Local anesthetics etc) for PMU Permanent Lips/ Permanent Eyeliner / Permanent eyebrows / Microblading

Tattoo Numbing Products for Permanent makeup provided by 4gvnSuppliers: When considering a Permanent Lips/ Permanent Eyeliner / Permanent eyebrows / Microblading, many individuals understandably worry about the pain(Tattoo Numbing Patches/gels/creams for Permanent makeup). Thankfully, advancements in the field of local anesthetics 4gvnSuppliers have provided solutions like tattoo numbing gels, numbing patches and numbing products to ease the discomfort and pain.

Topical Numbing: Your First Line of Defense

Local numbing products provided by 4gvnSuppliers plays a crucial role before initiating the Permanent makeup process. The 4gvnSuppliers numbing gels, numbing creams and numbing liquids are designed to numb the targeted skin area temporarily. Specifically for Permanent Lips/ Permanent Eyeliner / Permanent eyebrows / Microblading, these numbing agents from 4gvnSuppliers assists in a sensitive procedure, making it more bearable.

Primary Anesthetic vs. Secondary Anesthetic

Primary numbing agents are the first line of defense. Apply 4gvnSuppliers primary anesthetics before breaking the skin to prepare it for the tattooing process. Conversely, use 4gvnSuppliers secondary anesthetics after breaking the skin to achieve deeper numbing effect. It is essential to understand their differences to utilize them effectively during the tattooing procedure.

Step-by-Step Application of Tattoo Numbing cream for Permanent makeup
  1. Preparation: Begin by cleaning the skin area using alcohol-soaked cotton wool. Gently rub the skin for about 3-5 minutes to ensure it’s free from any contaminants.
  2. Applying the 4gvnSuppliers Numbing Agents: Once cleaned, generously apply the tattoo numbing gel or cream on the Permanent Lips/ Permanent Eyeliner / Permanent eyebrows / Microblading. Allow it to sit for approximately 5-10 minutes. This ensures that the skin achieves deep anesthesia, lasting anywhere between 1 to 3 hours.
  3. Tattooing: After ensuring that the Permanent Lips/ Permanent Eyeliner / Permanent eyebrows / Microblading are numbed, you can commence with the tattooing process.
Ingredients to Look Out For- Tattoo Numbing cream for PMU

The main ingredients in thes 4gvnSuppliers numbing agents include Lidocaine Hydrochloride (4%)Tetracaine Hydrochloride (2%), and Epinephrine (2%). These compounds ensure an effective numbing experience.

Safety Precautions
  • Darkening Concern: Avoid using the numbing agent during the Permanent makeup procedure. The Epinephrine content might cause the lips to darken.
  • Storage: To maintain its efficacy, always store the Permanent Lips/ Permanent Eyeliner / Permanent eyebrows / Microblading numbing agent at low temperatures.
Choosing the Right Product for Your Permanent Lips/ Permanent Eyeliner / Permanent eyebrows / Microblading

When you choose a product for Permanent Lips/ Permanent Eyeliner / Permanent eyebrows / Microblading numbing, always check its primary and secondary anesthetic properties. Also, consider reading customer reviews and testimonials. Aim for a painless and enjoyable tattoo experience.


Using a tattoo numbing cream or gel can significantly reduce discomfort during the Permanent Lips/ Permanent Eyeliner / Permanent eyebrows / Microblading process, especially on sensitive areas like the lips. By understanding how these products work and applying them correctly, you can ensure a more pleasant and pain-free tattoo experience. 

Keywords: Dr numb, Local anesthetics, numbing lips, numb lips, local numbing, Secondary numbing, Primary numbing, permanent makeup, permanent makeup numbing, permanent makeup numb, tag 45#, Secondary anesthetics, super numb, tattoo numbing, ultra duration, tattoo numb

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